Monday, 15 October 2012

"Cooking in Hellebaeck" by Eszter

Just for the sake of order, I will start a bit before the cooking action. So once upon a time in Helleback a small pioneer DNS team was hosted by Helleback school and giving presentation all around Helsingor and Copenhagen. Happened once that Helleback School needed a helper from the small pioneer team who was giving help with love and this help was me. The occasion why they needed to have one more person was the two missing DI who went to Lindersvald for their study weekend and the special parents’ day in their school. After the nice implement I must say that I was a bit scared of cooking. Not because I’m not so good in cooking, baking or food production, but because I didn’t know these people and the rules of the kitchen. Luckily one day before the magic cooking day everything was solved. They told me the rules, cleaning regulations etc. and the menu. We had to start in that day. Was a special menu with marinated meat. I have never done this before, but who am I to complain. I am a DNSer I should always have some new challenge. Happily my team was helping me to prepare the meat and marinating sauce. We had to use elderflower juice to marinate the meat, took us 3 hours to prepare everything and put the whole stuff into the fridge. Than my team left they went to give presentation while I was making the magic food. I wasn’t alone one pedagogue from Hellebeck was doing the meal together with me. Two kind of special salad one is red another green. Potatoes and the magic marinated stew. From 8 to 13.00 we just cooked and prepared and cleaned everything. We served the food, and they liked it. Most of the parents wanted to have the recipes. One more challenge accepted. J