Saturday 17 December 2011

OBS. Please take your time.

My 4 months in DNS
Hey team,

Today I feel like writing a bit about my 4 months experiences in our saving up period. 
I thought of the idea partly because I do not know all of you too well, but I shall approach this 
topic the further you read. The idea of sharing my experiences will give you an idea of what 
my daily life consists of and the obstacles and challenges I have faced and am yet facing.

The Villas:

I began working in the Villas with (x) in the autum of September. My first reaction to my decition was that 
I went two steps back to the square-root of zero. I imagined it boring, but, I was very wrong. 
This is the kind of alternative job that allows to explore your capabilities and the students’ as well. 
Your mentality changes towards the situation you are in and the people you work with too.

I must admit  that my first period with (x) was like being in a circle. I had to follow many restrictions 
and previous routines, which I found a little bit provocative. Instead I told myself that I would create 
my own restrictions and daily routines, which would be like a mix. 
A sort of planner - and it has definetaly lightened and balanced the work more. 
It allows one to take more resposibility and to accept the situation you are in.

The challenging tasks for me, while working in the Villas have been: cleanning constantly, 
communication, teacher to student interaction and contact, ITP economy, program, Bus course, 
distant from the team and more.

My first reaction to the topic communication, is that it is the priority in all cases. 
If one piece of information slips the day might be ruined. I therefore see that whether you are working 
with deaf or blind people, information will always be key. (x) is dependent on information, not only 
body laguage but mainly verbal language. And I see she has been a very good student in grasping and 
using the language in a bigger scale. If I compare her to the day I arrived, she has most certainly been 
able to express herself wider. When we go for walks and we cross the small water drain, I ask her to 
stop and listen to the sound of water. Then I ask her, where does it come from? And she responds that 
it’s from the sea and offcourse I start to giggle, as it’s not. She is brilliant.

They say one song can change the world, and it is rather true. It can change (x)’s world. When she is sad 
or angry - a small song makes her happy and she sings with 4 – 5 words. It is very unique for me to see 
her use her verbal skills. She has certainly improved.

The teacher to student interaction has so far been impressive in my eyes. Once you keep a certain tone to 
the different Villa students you create respect. And it is a difficult target. If I take for instance (z), where 
I once took the decitions to not drive him into Ulfborg just because he was in need of chocolate, who in 
many cases has no respect towards the female sex, and made him very furious which then caused troubles. 

He threw nasty words at me. Then (y) the teacher handled the situation as I was physically weak. 
As he calmed down after a serious matter with (y), he came over and apologized, where I was mean to 
say that I cannot accept. Then I explainned why and it provoked a sparkle in his him. 
Allowing him to realize that the female teachers are here to help him and not only serve him.

When working with (x), the major responsibility is also cleanning and hygiene. 
Without it, nothing operates in the Villa world. Nevertheless, it is not only in the Villa world, it is everywhere. 
I even have it as a natural instinct, which can annoy me when my co-teachers so not see what is dirty.
I have had twice serious discussions with the teachers in Villas about cleaning standards and how to clean 
the shelves and floors. It is embarrassing to see how bad a few are at it. It is the truth. I definetaly 
understand why it is important to keep the different standards in the different areas. There is no discussion.

My toughest period:

The toughest period for me has been when I had the combination of working in the Villas with (x) and (o) 
thus taking the 6 weeks bus course in Holstebro everyday. It was a stressful and difficult time. 
I really felt I was under pressure. I exceeded my limits in a provocative way, as I never imagined myself in a bus situation. At least not in a young age. 
To me it was definetaly like climbing a mountain without gear nor equipment. 
But in some fenomenal way it ended well. I have learnt the ultimate I must admit. Life is so abstract.

The responsibility you get when you drive such a bus, is inexplicable. We are talking about other 
peoples lives.

When I drove the EU qualification 6 hour tour  on the 15/12 – 2011, I was then shocked on the amount 
of fuel such a bus needs. My bus teacher tanked the bus I drove with around 400 litres or more for 
5000 Dkk. I was very shocked. The thought of the amount oil companies gain per hour, day, month and 
year stroked me twice. I thought of the amount we would use under our 4 month Africa tour. 
It will be monstrous.

My closing:

As part of my closing I would like to mention and make you once again realize the importance of the 
saving up period in DNS. I mean we have thrown ourselves into strange jobs/contracts that we might 
never have done in the ordinary lifestyle. We are not just the pioneer team but the resilient amateur team. 
The saving up period in my perspective does not just bring tears, sorrow, sweat, turbulance, anger, 
hope, happiness, joy or laughter but it also builds and tears apart. It shall allow us to explore, learn and 
have more potential. I relate it to one of Piccasso’s quotes which states that 
”every act of creation is first an act of destruction”. Think about it

I have to say that I am looking forwards to preparing our Lithuanian bus with all of you form the start 
of february - and I am mostly lingering with the excitement to share 4 breathtaking months experiencing 
all sorts of things with all of you through the hot Saharan desert.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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